The Adventures of Shamus and His Business
Episode 1: Finally Enjoying the Good Times
It was a joyous day! After a long but pleasant hike through the mountains, Shamus, the leprechaun, made his way to his private four leaf clover field. He ambled down the pathway to his cottage retreat, tucked away in a grove of trees, with the warm sunshine on his back. His comfortable chair and piping hot coffee were waiting for him as expected. Shamus sank into the plush leather chair; with the fireplace crackling in the background, he began to relax and contemplate his success.
Thinking back, he remembered how his business began and questioned how he made it this far. Shamus wondered if his success was based upon sound strategic planning or pure luck. Only time would tell. He and his advisors had decided to focus the company on generating solid revenues. It was tempting to go big quick. The fame of having a large following appealed to his ego, yet he dreaded being dependant on others for financing. Shamus had heard terrible stories of founders being pushed out of their companies by the financiers and he did not want that event to happen to him.
So he persevered through missed deadlines, extremely long hours, false starts, extended product development, and broken relationships. But these bootstrapping issues were now a thing of the past. Along the way, Shamus had discovered some great people that shared his vision and enthusiasm to help others. It was these people that he hired to help guide the business to success.
Victory! Shamus was excited by the recent flood of new customers and he now had his very own ‘pot of gold.’ Images of how his wealth would enable him to enjoy the finer things flashed across his mind. The sweet smell of success was adrift in the mountain air.
Yet, even while contemplating his success, his mind wandered off to the shocking news of a famous entrepreneur. Droch was one of those very wealthy leprechauns, a community leader, and an entrepreneurial role model. The news was that a large portion Droch’s pot of gold had vanished! In amazement, Shamus wondered who or what could have managed to steal Droch’s gold? And, more importantly, if they could steal from Droch … how in the world could he protect his fortune?
Somehow, Shamus had dosed off in his cozy chair. He awoke in a fright after dreaming that his precious pot of gold had somehow vanished, just like Droch’s fortune. Shaking off the final remnants of sleep, he decided to solve the mystery of the vanishing gold. Well, after a pint or two with his business advisor at the pub.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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